There are many ways one can work to improve his performance of Chessed.

We encounter Chessed opportunities throughout our day -- we just have to learn to focus and pay attention to the needs of others.

One can choose to work privately to strengthen his sensitivity toward others by learning any of the numerous books on the subject, or one can choose to volunteer or adopt a project to better one's community.

Volunteer opportunities always exist at well-known community organizations like Hatzalah, Tomchei Shabbos, and Bikur Cholim, but you may be surprised at the opportunities that might be available in your own shul or children's schools.

Whatever area of Chessed one chooses to focus on, learning the Halachos and works of Mussar can only help to bolster this important commitment.

Numerous books are available which provide insight as well as practical guidance, such as:
Ahavas Chessed by the Chofetz Chaim - perhaps the most well known work on Chessed
Chofetz Chaim: Loving Kindness - Rabbi Fishel Schachter
For Goodness' Sake - Rabbi Boruch Brull
The Chessed Boomerang - Jack Doueck

For Children:
Loving Kindness: Stories of Chessed from Our Sages - Rabbi Zev Greenwald
All Kinds of Chessed - Ruth Beifus

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